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Gameplay HD

Collection 4/10: Gameplay HD

We now get into the first of two gameplay-focused Collections. The approach of Gameplay HD is to make the original gameplay design smoother without dramatically changing its original feel.

Delay DLC Redux

Installation instructions:

Prevents the game's DLC from spamming the new game startup messages and requires you be near a given DLC's starting location to receive its quest.

Improved Quest Objectives

Installation instructions:

Rewrites all the quest objectives for clarity, better grammar and more consistent labelling. This will make quests easier to follow.

Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged

Installation instructions:

Compilation of many smaller gameplay-related mods, all updated, fixed, and optimized to work together.

Essential DLC Enhancements Merged

Installation instructions:

Merge of many gameplay improvements for the DLCs, all updated and fixed.

Immersion Mods Merged

Installation instructions:

Similar to the above two mods with immersion-focused changes.

NV Animations for Not Animated Containers

Installation instructions:

Adds container opening animations to containers without them.

NV Compatibility Skeleton

Installation instructions:

Updated skeleton for compatibility with the below and future mods.


Installation instructions:

Overhauls NPC animations so they react to your gunshots and ragdoll realistically. A huge immersion booster that’s very vanilla-friendly.

ISControl Enabler

Installation instructions:

Dynamically adds ISControl node system animation support and easy per-weapon sights adjustment. Prerequisitve for the below section.

kNVSE Animation Plugin

Installation instructions:

Resource for expanding and improving the game's limited animation system. Prerequisitve for the below section.

Combat Mechanic Improvements

The below mods combined will improve the fidelity of your player movement, enhance the camera and replace all vanilla weapon animations for a more responsive feel. They require the ISControlEnabler and kNVSE utilities installed above.

Installation instructions:

Install the Main File for these mods.

Laser Weapon Iron Sights

Installation instructions:

If you're planning to install the Gameplay+ Collection, install the Gun Runners Merged variants listed below as Mojave Arsenal will merge GRA weapons into the vanilla items list. Otherwise download the variants that don't have 'Gun Runner's Arsenal Merged' at the end.
Adds iron sights to laser and plasma weapons which don't have them by default.

Immersive Recoil

Installation instructions:

Adds realistic recoil to weapons when firing them.

You may find the default recoil quite extreme on some weapons like the Revolver. You can tick the Custom Data checkbox in the MCM menu for Immersive Recoil to customise the recoil multipler per weapon or per ammo type. You may have to de-equip and equip your weapon for the right weapon to appear in that menu. I correct this on a weapon-by-weapon basis as I notice weapon recoil that seems too extreme.

Consistent Spread - Firearms Accuracy and Wobble Fix

Installation instructions:

Fixes gun wobble and weapon spread to be more predictable.

Gore Dismember and Explode Edits LE

Installation instructions:

Changes how gore dismemberment and explosions are handled so it only happens for weapons where it makes sense i.e. small weapons like pistols can’t blow up arms etc.

No Repair in Combat

Installation instructions:

Disables repairing in combat for a minor immersion and difficulty boost. Some code exists suggesting this was originally considered by Obsidian.

Less Accurate NPC's NVSE

Installation instructions:

NPCs by default have extremely accurate aim. This mod fixes that. You can customise how it works by right clicking on the mod in Vortex->Open in File Manager, then open NVSE/plugins/scripts/gr_NPCAccuracy.txt. Change the fNPCMaxGunWobbleAngle value to whatever you like. The default is 15 and it goes up to 130. I've set it to 45 as that to me strikes the right difficulty balance. If Vortex provides any notification about external file changes, elect to keep the changes.

Point That Somewhere Else

Installation instructions:

Adds GTA-like behaviour where pointing your gun at NPCs will make them aggressive or flee with a cooldown period where you can stop being a dick. Awesome imemrsion booster and much better than NPCs doing nothing.

Miscellaneous Improvements

The below mods are specific, vanilla-friendly tweaks.

Installation instructions:

Install the Main File for these mods.

Brave New World

Installation instructions:

The Mojaves' huge number of characters meant Obsidian had their small number of voice actors record many, many lines of dialogue for many roles. They're excellent, but it can weaken immersion recognising the same voices for so many different faces. This expertly directed mod adds 145 carefully auditioned professional voice-overs for the most memorable minor characters. They also redesigned their faces. After playing with this enabled on a new playthrough the quality of the voice acting blew me away, so I moved it to this earlier section of the Collections since it makes such a big immersion difference.

Please note that this mod requires you to start a new save before its changes will work. Brave New World will not activate in pre-existing saves.

Anon2971's Immersive Stewie Tweaks

Installation instructions:

Various extra Stewie Tweaks options from myself designed to compliment Essentials INI. Adds a mixture of quality of life changes, hotkeys and gameplay difficulty enhancers. I'll likely update this in the future as Stewie Tweaks adds more features.

Here are the key gameplay changes (full list available via the mod's Optional Files):